December 20th, 1958          "Young People Who Walk in the Will of God Make History"                  Late Mr. N. Daniel

Luke 1:40-80

Mary began to realise how fortunate she was. Her entrance into Elisabeth’s home caused her to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who live in the Spirit react to spiritual things in an unmistakable way. Mary was a woman who was following the truth that she knew—and never expected to become great in this world. Mary grew in the ways of the Lord and the Lord noticed it. God looks out for those that obey the Word of God because God can only make use of such. When finally it came down to the hard fact of obeying the Word, Mary pleased God by obeying the Word. We must never obey the Word to become famous in this world. We must obey the Word because it is a blessing in itself.

Christmas is the story of young people who lived and walked in the will of God. Young people who walk in the will of God make history. Elisabeth and Zacharias were old people who walked in all the commandments blameless. They were perfect in their old age. Mary and Elisabeth were relatives and there seemed to be a high standard of faith among these relatives. John was to baptise Jesus. John had to come from such parentage. The perfection that Elisabeth and Zacharias achieved in their old age, Mary and Joseph attained in their youth. God looks for young people who obey Him at all costs. God can only rely on such people.

Manesseh was born at the time of Hezekiah’s backsliding. Manasseh ruined the nation to such an extent that no one could restore it to its original state. But the above mentioned families did reach a very high level of faith. How prophetic were Joseph’s dreams and Elisabeth’s words! In Christian history it is only when faith reached a high level that great things took place. John Wesley’s parents had a deep faith. Faith in youth is always rewarded. Luke 1:75, "In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life." By gathering together like this for prayer we are helping one another to rise in faith. What kind of families were these? What kind of faith was this? It was only in the times of Elijah and Elisha that we hear of groups of prophets called the sons of prophets.

Sin and death came through the first woman. Through another woman came the Son of God bringing in life and peace. Jesus grew under Mary’s care. She taught him the Word of God. Elisabeth also taught her son the Word of God to which she was perfectly obedient. Joseph and Zacharias supported the faith of these women. There was great harmony in these homes. When we read of these families we enter into a new realm. Mary remained in Elisabeth’s home for 3 months. A woman filled with the Holy Spirit cannot stay in a home unless the spiritual atmosphere is perfectly conducive. Such was Elisabeth’s home. Mary and Elisabeth did their duty to their sons. John was a martyr for truth and righteousness. He grew in the wilderness. God so arranged that John’s parents did not live to see his death. Mary lived to see the death and the resurrection of her son. She was one of those that received the Holy Spirit afresh to shake the world.

Christmas comes to us year after year to remind us of the faithfulness of God and purposefulness of God in fulfilling His high plans through weak men. May God help us to know that even we, weak people, can live for His glory.